Archived Insight | August 25, 2020

The Projected Plan Cost Impact of COVID-19

Plan sponsors can start addressing the healthcare delivery uncertainties caused by COVID-19 — provided they have the right information. In this webinar, the third in our series on COVID-19 and healthcare, you'll learn what steps you can take to help plan for the pandemic's impact on your health plan’s budget. 

Businessman Wearing A Mask And Explaining A Document To A Female Colleague At The Office During Epidemic

Here’s what you’ll learn

  • The prevalence and severity of the disease
  • How plan costs have been impacted, taking into account both additional expenditures and indirect savings
  • Pent-up demand from delayed medical procedures and its potential impact on health plans
  • Information to assist you in making decisions around planning, budgeting, and implementing plan changes during the pandemic

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