Archived Insight | March 15, 2021

Future of Healthcare: What Plan Sponsors Should Know

The one constant of the healthcare industry is that it always changes. But even by that standard, the next five to ten years will see momentous shifts in how Americans interact with the people and systems keeping them healthy. For health plan sponsors, keeping on top of these changes means you can prepare today for tomorrow’s needs.

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Where healthcare will change the most

Our analysts have identified the most significant changes in the healthcare industry and sorted them into categories. You can read a more detailed description in the downloadable report, but here’s a brief overview.

Access and delivery

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated use of telehealth services. Consequently, both patients and providers are now more accepting than ever before of virtual care delivery. (See Segal’s insight on digital health trends). The rise of telehealth is also broadening access to care for underserved populations and driving efficiencies.

Financing and payments

Healthcare costs will continue their upward trajectory, but increased competition among providers, price transparency and the move to value-based care will attempt to drive efficiencies in the system and help stakeholders better manage costs.

Patient care and engagement

With the application of new technologies and new treatments, patient care is ever-changing. Digital care offers new ways to engage patients and provides opportunities for individuals to take a more active role in their healthcare. Furthermore, higher out-of-pocket expense liabilities from high-deductible plans will force plan participants to be more prudent consumers of elective services.

Population health

Addressing the long-term effects of the pandemic on population health and behavior will be a high priority for policymakers in the coming years. In addition, policymakers, providers and plan sponsors will take a renewed interest in social determinants of health and make better use of big data and new technologies to guide predictive modeling and program design.

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