Archived Insight | March 5, 2021

CEO Priorities in 2021: Our Poll Shows 2020's Key Lessons

What are CEOs' priorities in 2021? We partnered with Chief Executive Group to poll approximately 500 CEOs on that very question by looking back at the year we've just had. 

Covering 21 industries, representing businesses with between $5M to over $1B in revenue, the poll asked CEOs how they adjusted to 2020 and the pandemic and what changes they planned to make in future. 

The poll suggested that in 2021, CEOs will be considering:

  • Planning for more than technology to support remote work environments. 
  • Evaluating not only how employees work but also what they do.
  • Continuing and improving employee communications channels.
  • Deciding on when, how and how quickly to re-start business initiatives put on hold.

Get the details. Get the report. 

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Questions about CEO priorities?

Get in touch.

We'll put you in contact with the report's author, Segal's Fred Hencke. 

Fred is a Senior Vice President in the New York office, responsible for large, strategic opportunities in the corporate market.

He has more than 30 years of total experience, in many industries.

This page is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, tax or investment advice. You are encouraged to discuss the issues raised here with your legal, tax and other advisors before determining how the issues apply to your specific situations.